Friday 19 November 2010

Men's Cakes

It's OK boys, I haven't forgotten about you!

Although not pretty and pink, mens cakes can be alot of fun. These include miniatures of my dad, giant burgers and cakes with spikes and skulls!

This giant burger cake was for an eighteenth birthday. What eighteen year old boy doesn't like burgers, and a burger that's actually a chocolate cake, what could be better than that?! The 'bread buns' are sponge cake covered with beige sugarpaste and the 'burger' is chocolate sponge covered with chocolate sugarpaste. They were all made separately, then stacked with the hand made cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. This went on top of a base cake which had a sugar paste 'serviette' and the chips were also sugarpaste. I made the sesame seeds from sugarpaste aswell. The key to making it look realistic is dusting it with dust colours, it's the details that bring it to life.

This next cake was for my dads sixtieth, I wanted something really special and personal. I made a miniature scene based around things that we as his family all know he does, sitting in the lounge with the laptop, eating salad sandwiches, surrounded by papers. I payed special attention to things like his favourite checked shirt which he wears alot. I made all the little fruit and veg from scratch, since he was going through a real health kick at the time, and he's always eaten alot of fruit. Since I was about fourteen he's always had salad sandwiches for lunch! The beauty of customised cakes like this is that  they are so personal, they mean so much to the person recieving them. He was absolutely blown away by the effort that had gone into it, which is the point!

This cake was an ettempt at something different for my alternative brother in law. Him and my sister lean towards the 'emo' side of life, with a love of modern rock music in it's various forms. I tried to do something that I though captured that side of his personality, not something too fluffy. I think he liked it! I worked out the design by drawing it out on the computer and then making the pieces ahead of time, then assembling everything and handpainting the details. Again everytinhg is edible apart from the wires and cake board!

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