Sunday, 24 July 2011

Sugar Rose Wedding cake

Fancy Rose Wedding Cake

I have to admit I have struggled lately to stay on top of my blogging since I have just been so busy! But I'm determined not to let it slide since where else do I get to talk about the things I love and do so much?
This post is to update with pictures of my latest cake, a rather large wedding cake, which I enjoyed designing and making very much.
Whenever I get a commission I talk at length with the customer about what it is they would like. I always give them a list of websites of cake designers that I particularly like and admire. Most people don't realise just what is out there, and how modern and beautiful cakes can be now. There are a few designers in particular which are the very reason I started cake decorating in the first place, because I loved their fresh and modern approach to their cake designs. At some point I will do a post dedicated solely to said designers and then people can see what all the fuss is about, although maybe I shouldn't because then they'll think mine are actually quite ordinary in comparison! 
So anyway, I sketched out various designs for the bride to be and she then narrowed it down to specific features she liked, in which turn I reworked the design to match her specifications and then tried various colour ways, which she also then approved. Usually what I do is sketch out a design in pencil, then scan it in to Photoshop where I digitally brush in colours until I'm happy with it. Below is the sketch I did for this latest wedding. there is always some variation between the final design and cake though since you have to be flexible with what materials are available and how it looks as it progresses. 

For instance the final finished piece didn't have the pearls on the top tier and the brooch was different since I had to go with what I found. I wanted an original vintage piece not a new cake brooch from the internet, so I trawled the second hand and antiques shops until I found two pieces I was happy with. I found a really beautiful old vintage diamante buckle and a diamante and ruby coloured brooch. In the end I used them both, I pinned the brooch on top of the buckle as I felt neither of them was enough on their own. I think it worked as a centre piece, which you always need.

So anyway, as always after I was finished and we got the cake there and set up I looked at it and thought of the things I'd like to do differently. I am a bit of a perfectionist but that doesn't mean I'm not pleased with my work, I just always want to get better at it. I think that is healthy as long as you don't obsess over it and beat yourself up about your finished piece not being good enough. I personally always need the challenge and the satisfaction of pushing myself and growing as an artist.

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