Tuesday 19 April 2011

Drawing with a sewing machine.

There are so many amazing things I see on the internet all the time that inspire me to create, it's hard to pin down exactly what I want to do sometimes. Just lately I've been looking at mini quilts. I love fabrics, colourful patterned fabrics, new and old. I've slowly been building up my stash by picking up vintage buys I see in charity shops. I also love paper for the same reasons - pattern, colour, texture.  I don't buy a lot of fabrics because I don't use them enough, but when I see a beautiful piece of fabric, with gorgeous colours and patterns it's hard for me to say no. I've been looking for ways to use fabrics that tie in with my love of drawing. A couple of years ago I was blown away by some work I saw by an artist called Claire Coles, who uses hers sewing machine to 'draw' on scraps of vintage wallpapers. Here's some of her work:

Clare Coles.

Her work really opened my eyes to the possibilities of 'drawing' with the sewing machine. I've seen quite a lot of work lately using this technique. I've been gradually doing bits here and there, around life's other demands. I'm trying to use the same idea with bits of fabrics to make pictures, which I will endeavour to post in the near future. In the meantime I hope you feel as inspired as me when you see her exquisite work.

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful images and ideas. I've seen snippets of your drawing with the machine and they are gorgeous. Lovely stuff xx
